Wednesday, January 23, 2019

Is once really enough???

What the heck am I talking about? 

I got a plastic box to go with my food at the market the other day.  It's not as if I can just have brought my own box in this case as I am in the habit of doing when I want to take out, because it was at the deli counter to go.  When I got in the car and I looked at the clear plastic clamshell I noticed it had been made from water bottles.

Now please don't get me wrong and start writing me about how it's still a good thing etc.  I agree and think everything we do towards the end goal and toward awareness will bring more people and actions into the fold.  But my questions asks, "Is once really enough?"  What happens to it after it gets eaten this time?  It wasn't messy food, just some carbohydrates and bread products.  So why can't you and I make sure it gets recycled again? and again, and so on.

I am really set on this subject because it continues to come down to the same point each time.  Education and Separation.  Learning how to place the right products in the correct place for disposal, reuse and recycling or composting.  Not filling up the landfills now or in the future with so much stuff.  Organic waste for one.

When I go around and speak to owners of restaurants, (which I do each and every week), pushing compostable products and paper straws, so many of them are unfamiliar with what it takes to compost their organic waste.  (If you've ever noticed how much excess food some restaurants throw away it's astounding.)  My goal and duty is to share the ways with them and you of how we can all understand and achieve this goal, simply.

A daunting task at best. 

Tune in and subscribe to my weekly podcast Trash Talk Radio at each Friday evening beginning Feb.1st

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